Curtin Living Memories: Gordon Robson
Interviewer: Evan Mann
Gordon Robson moved into Curtin with his wife Cynthia and their young family in February 1965. Gordon and Cynthia still live in Curtin. He was the first President of the Curtin Primary School P&C. Gordon was closely involved with the establishment of the Woden Valley Club here in Curtin back in the late 60s. He was also the first President of the North Woden Tennis Club, which is situated on other side of Yarra Glen in Hughes.
Main topics covered in the interview
Introduction; early childhood in Torres Strait and elsewhere in Queensland; first job, joining the Australian Public Service, moving to Cooma and then Canberra; early impressions of Curtin; first President of Curtin Primary School P&C; social life in Curtin in the early years; Woden Valley Club; first President of the North Woden Tennis Club; later career including post-retirement from APS; 'undercover' role during LBJ's 1966 visit to Canberra; concluding thoughts.