Pioneers - Maxwell family; Brindabella; World War 2
Physical description
Black & white photograph
Jock Maxwell at about one year of age.
Not for loan. Copies available for purchase.
He was the son of John (Jack) Henry and Ivy (nee Franklin) Maxwell. Known as Jock, his father Jack managed Brindabella station until about 1925 when the family moved to Queanbeyan. After leaving school Jock Maxwell worked for Aubrey Blewitt at the 'The Rivers' near Mount Stromlo and then joined the stock and station agents, Woodgers & Calthorpe in Queanbeyan. He served in World War 2 in the Middle East and the Western Desert in North Africa with the 2/6 Field Company Engineers (part of the 7th Division). In 1942 he was sent to the Kokoda Track in Papua to build and maintain the track and in 1945 was sent to Balikpapan in Borneo where he was Mentioned in Despatches. After the war he resumed working for Woodgers & Calthorpe where he became chief auctioneer. Maxwell died on 28 December 1985 and was buried at Woden Cemetery on 2 January 1986.