10 December 2024
The annual dinner on Tuesday 10 December will feature Dr Jeff Brownrigg self described 'some sort of cultural historian'. He has sought to make better known the lives of 'lost' Australians who deserve to be better known. Sometimes he breaks into song!
The dinner will also feature our raffle of interesting items donated by members.
The dinner will be held at the Orion Room, Southern Cross Club, Woden. 7pm for 7.30pm. Cost $70 for members and $75 for non-members.
Please book by paying either at the CDHS office, by phone using Mastercard or Visa or by EFT to the following account:
BSB: 633 000, Account 146 738 141.
Please include in the description your name and 'Annual Dinner'.
Next News & Events:
11/2/2025 Keeping our stories alive against the odds
Previous News & Events:
8/10/2024 A smorgasbrod of fascinating objects: the CMAG Social History Collection